Top officials in the Catholic Church have said that they are coming up with a protocol to protect minors and vulnerable adults, but they reiterated that physically and mentally able adult women who have sexual relations with clergymen – consensual or otherwise – will not be the beneficiary of the protocol.
While admitting there were power dynamics and cases of power abuse between clergymen and laywomen or nuns, Father Sunu Hardiyanta, who has been working on a system to prevent and handle cases of sexual abuse at the Catholic Church since 2012, told The Jakarta Post and Tirto.id that the topic of handling cases involving adult women was different and required “a separate protocol”.
Selengkapnya baca di artikel Catholic Church excludes adult women in talks about protecting sexual abuse victims | The Jakarta Post, 29 Juli 2020 pukul 15.03 WIB. Versi screenshot bisa diakses di SINI.
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