Breaking the Taboo

Berikut nukilan editorial The Jakarta Post, 4 Agustus 2020 berjudul Breaking the Taboo:

As our reports show, however, the hope of justice being delivered to victims of sexual abuse and harassment cases involving clergymen looks remote. One and perhaps the biggest barrier is the apparent denial of the cases, which will only generate suspicion about cover-up attempts by the Church.

Actually, there is no doubt about the Church’s commitment to transparency as evident when Indonesian Bishops Conference (KWI) seminary commission secretary Father Joseph Kristanto spoke in a public forum about 56 alleged sexual abuse cases within the Indonesian Catholic Church. But the fact that he was found guilty of a “code of ethics violation” and has apologized for the disclosure, as stated by KWI chairman Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo, reveals that the Church is not ready yet to break the long-held taboo.

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