‘Our lives were in his hands’: Boys recount sexual abuse by ‘night bat’

It was an hour past midnight on Sept. 9, 2019, when Joni, a teenage boy living in an orphanage, was awakened by what he described as a “painful feeling” on his genitals. When he opened his eyes, he beheld a nightmare.

“He was there. He was shocked,” Joni said. “I put on my pants and chased him down the stairs.”

“’What did you do to me, Brother? Why did you pull [my pants] down?’”

Recalling the horror of that night, Joni, who has chosen to use a pseudonym to protect his identity, explained how he confronted Lukas Lucky Ngalngola, the director of Joni’s orphanage, whom the boys referred to as the “night bat”. He said Lukas begged for forgiveness for “making a mistake” and got to his knees and kissed Joni’s feet.

Baca selengkapnya di artikel ‘Our lives were in his hands’: Boys recount sexual abuse by ‘night bat’ | The Jakarta Post, 30 Agustus 2020. Artikel lengkap versi screenshot bisa dibaca di SINI.

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